Cold Cartel Competition

Cold Cartel logo

Hi Guys. Today I’m talking about a competition that I entered about 2 and a half months ago to become a promoter for a clothing brand. To win this competition I had to use Facebook and get votes. Fortunately I was lucky enough to win the competition and I am now glad to tell you all that I promote clothing for a clothing brand called Cold Cartel Clothing.

I am overwhelmed with this and I am greatly appreciative of the opportunity from Cold Cartel and their team. If you would like to find out more about Cold Cartel you can visit their website here or visit their social networks that will be at the bottom of this post once I’ve finished. If you would like to know anything from me then leave a comment below.

From this competition I was lucky enough to get my hands on a cool iPhone case, a really nice snapback and a really nice top that I love. You can find all of this on their website.





I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Thanks a lot, Connor!

You can find Cold Cartels Instagram here! Twitter here! and Facebook here!

Tommy Hilfiger Glasses


  So, I haven’t blogged in about 4 months. The last time I blogged I was using ‘’ since then I have transferred over to WordPress. I haven’t actually got a reason to why I haven’t blogged, I just haven’t to be honest.

  I’ve wanted to post something for about a month now and earlier on today I had to get my eyes retested to see if they’ve got any worse than what they are. Lucky they haven’t. Anyway while I was sat in Specsavers today I was thinking of what I could blog about next and a few ideas came to mind and then I was looking at my glasses and decided to do one about my glasses.

  The glasses I own are Tommy Hilfiger glasses, I’m not sure if they have a certain name but I got them from Specsavers, and absolutely love them, I’ve owned them now for about a year and highly recommend them for anyone who is getting a new pair of specs soon. They fit comfortably and have such a nice elegant design and finish any outfit off perfectly. The case they come in also finishes off the pure brilliance of the glasses and their design.

You can find the glasses here;






  I hope you enjoyed reading this post and sorry I haven’t blogged in so long, hopefully I will start posting more regularly soon.


Thanks, Connor!



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